
Welcome to Laindon Medical Group

 A message to our patients.

At Laindon Medical Group, we are committed to providing exceptional healthcare services to our community. Whether you are a new patient or a returning visitor, we’re here to support your well-being.

How to manage your cough

Help us to help you!

  • Each winter GPs see many people with simple coughs and colds who really don’t need an appointment.
  • We’re sending all our patients this text to help you know when you (or your children) DO need a doctor – and when you DON’T.
  • That way we can make sure we don’t waste appointments – making it easier for you to book one when you really need one!
  • The simplest things to remember are:
    • Cough is nature’s way of getting germs off your chest
    • Cough is natural and harmless (it doesn’t hurt your child, either)
    • Cough often causes green phlegm – that’s nothing to worry about (the exception being if you have COPD)
    • Antibiotics don’t help simple coughs at all
    • It may take longer than you think to clear – often up to 3 weeks
      We’ll send you a couple more texts with more detail – save them on your phone as a reminder!

Cough in adults (keep this on your phone for reference!)

You only need to see a doctor if:

  • You have a lung problem like asthma or COPD which is getting worse with the cough, or
  • You have a low immunity (eg being on immune-suppressant drugs)
  • It has been going on for more than 3 weeks and is showing no signs of improving, or
  • You’re feeling breathless (not just bunged up and having problems breathing through your nose), or
  • You’ve a sharp pain in your chest when you take a deep breath (not just a sore rib from coughing), or
  • You’re coughing up blood, or
  • You’re feeling genuinely ill (barely able to get out of bed) or can’t think straight

If ‘no’ to all the above, remember: cough is nature’s way of getting germs off your chest, it won’t harm you, green phlegm doesn’t matter, antibiotics won’t help and it may take 3 weeks to improve.

Cough in children (keep this on your phone for reference!)

Your children only need to see a doctor if

  • They are less than 3 months old and have a fever of over 38 or are 3-6 months old and have a fever of over 39, or
  • They have a low immunity (eg being on immune-suppressant drugs)
  • They have a lung problem like asthma which is getting worse with the cough, or
  • They are breathless (not just bunged up) – you may notice them breathing very fast, or their ribs being sucked in, or
  • They are making a funny noise in their throat when they breath in, or
  • You think it might be whooping cough, or
  • They just seem really unwell – drowsy, or pale or blue, or unable to walk about, or baby off feeds (not just because bunged up).

If ‘no’ to all the above, remember: cough is nature’s way of getting germs off your child’s chest, it won’t harm them, antibiotics won’t help and it may take 3 weeks to improve

Non-urgent advice: Parking

Car Parking for Visitors to Laindon Medical Group Please be advised that, when visiting Laindon Medical Group, parking is available in the Danacre Car Park which is a few steps away from us and is free to park for up to 3 hours.

Kind regards Laindon Medical Group

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Mission Statement

Our Mission

The Laindon Medical Group will work with the local population, relevant local agencies and Basildon and Brentwood Clinical Commissioning Group to ensure a sustainable health and care system to improve health and wellbeing.

We will work in partnership with our communities to enable people to live full active and independent lives promoting self-care and building resilience.

We will lead and enable our staff to deliver safe, high quality equitable care. We will be an organisation of clinical and managerial leaders who have the necessary skills, capacity, and capability to lead positive change for the communities we serve.

Comprehensive Services

Explore our range of services, including:

  • General Practice: Our experienced doctors are here to address your primary care needs, from routine check-ups to managing chronic conditions.
  • Nursing Services: Our skilled nurses provide wound care, vaccinations, health screenings, and more.
  • Specialist Clinics: Access specialized care in areas such as cardiology, dermatology, and women’s health.
  • Health Promotion: Stay informed about preventive measures, healthy lifestyle choices, and community events.

Patient-Centered Approach

We put you at the heart of everything we do. Your comfort, trust, and well-being matter to us. Feel free to ask questions, share your concerns, and actively participate in your healthcare decisions.



Aims and Objectives

Our aims and objectives are:

  • To provide the best quality medical care to our patients
  • To ensure that patients have confidence in the service we provide
  • Be committed to our patients’ needs
  • Act with integrity and complete confidentiality
  • Be courteous, approachable, friendly and accommodating
  • Ensure safe and effective services and environment
  • To be innovative and forward thinking
  • To work collaboratively with outside agencies
  • To maintain our motivated and skilled work teams
  • Through monitoring and auditing, continue to improve our healthcare services
  • Maintain high quality of care through continuous learning and training
  • To guide our employees in accordance with diversity and equality
  • To ensure effective and robust information governance systems
  • Treat all patients and staff with dignity, respect and honesty

Our purpose is to ensure that patients registered with Laindon Medical Group are provided with high quality health care, whilst maintaining a friendly and safe practice.

Aims and Objectives.docx

NHS Zero Tolerance

Laindon Medical Group strongly supports the NHS Policy on Zero Tolerance attitude towards staff. Anyone attending the surgery who abuses the clinicians, staff or other patients, be it verbally, physically or in any threatening manner whatsoever, will risk removal from the practice list. In extreme cases we may summon the police to remove offenders from the practice premises.

Complaints Procedure

Mobile phone with NHS app


  • Order medication and set up a nominated Pharmacy from the comfort of your home
  • Book appointments 24/7
  • Book and cancel appointments for you and your family and receive medication reminders with NHS app.

The NHS App will use NHS Login, allowing most patients to verify their own identity in the App, avoiding the need to visit the practice. 

Download it here today from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Fair processing notice - Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System (ics.nhs.uk)