Important Announcements

Flu and COVID-19 Vaccination

COVID-19 vaccination

COVID-19 Spring Booster will be offered between 1st April 2025-17th June 2025. We are going to send the invites soon to those who are eligible.

Please contact the surgery if you are in  the eligible group but have not received an invitation.

Eligible Groups for the Spring Booster :

Adults aged 75years and over

Residents in Care Homes for older adults.

Individuals aged 6 months and over, who are immunocompromised.


Our appointment booking process  is changing on 1st April 2025. This requires you to use ACCURX messaging service to contact us for appointments or any other queries.From that day you will no longer be able to use PATCHS and it will be replaced by ACCURX. Our Care Navigators will respond promptly and connect you to the right clinical or admin colleague to meet your needs.

Please be reminded that your local Pharmacy can help with a range of minor aliments without an appointment.


We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but rest assured that our team will continue to support patients who do not have digital access.

Thank You

Vita Health Group - NHS Talking Therapy - Older Adults

Vita Health Group
As winter is on its way, older adults may be feeling lonely, isolated, and anxious about the winter approaching.

We have this video that may help and encourage their anxious feelings and can help them get them back on track.

We do also offer therapy for those suffering with long term conditions if they are struggling mentally. We can help them deal with the mental side of the long-term condition.

Essex Wellbeing Service - Stop Smoking Services


Our Stop Smoking services are available, and free, to everyone living or working in Essex, excluding Southend and Thurrock. All you need to do is fill out our online assessment. 

We can support you in finding the right treatment, advice, and support in various locations across the County including GP surgeries, pharmacies, and specialist clinics.

Zero Tolerance

Our reception staff are trained care navigators and can signpost you to the most approprate member of the team who can help you.  They also play an important role liaising with patients on behalf of clinicians.  Our reception staff are an integral part of the team and are bound by the practice's stringent data protection regulations.

Please be kind when speaking to our reception team who are here to help you.  Our staff are not here to be abused and we operate a zero tolerance policy to abusive behaviour.  Any instances of this type of behaviour will be reviewed with consideration of removal from our practice list.

Laindon Medical Group Wellness Days


NHS111 for Out of Hours and Alternatives

Over the Platinum Jubilee bank holiday, you may find that access to GP, dental and other healthcare services is affected. You can find out where to access services by using the NHS111 information page for help and advice.

If you need help while the practice is closed, you can call 111.

If you need to access Out Of Hours services while the practice is closed and you have difficulty communicating or hearing, you can use the Relay UK app to access help. Call 18001 111 using your smartphone, tablet or computer, or via a traditional textphone.

If you need access to medical services during practice closures and you use British Sign Language for communication, you can use the Sign Video app to access NHS111.

Car Parking for Visitors to Laindon Medical Group

Please be advised that, when visiting Laindon Medical Group, parking is available in the Danacre Car Park which is free for up to 3 hours.
Kind regards
Laindon Medical Group

Children's Health Matters

What to do when your child is unwell follow link below:


Thank you.


Please note that our peak times are between 8 and 11 am and we request you to call outside of these times unless of course the matter is urgent. Just a reminder that you can also message our team with any queries or request us for a routine appointment, via the Contact us Online icon on the home page. Please provide us with as much detail as possible and a care navigator will be in touch. For medical emergencies, please contact 111 or 999.

Proud to be a Safe Surgery

All Are Welcome!

Your nationatlity or immigration status do not affect your right to register with us.

We are a Safe Surgery for everyone in our practice area.

Everyone living in England has the right to free care from a GP.

You can ask for an interpreter if you find it difficult to communicate in English.

Our receptionist won't ask you about your immigration status.

If you are worried about giving us your address please let us know. Your information is safe with us.

Safe  Surgeries.


Sore Throat

We are facing unprecedented demand as winter has set in. May we request that you ring us before 11.30 am for emeregency appointments.

This will give the clinicians adequate time to deal with your condition and make urgent referrals if necessary.

We also ancourage you to use the pharmacists, opticians and  111 online for minor ailments.

NHS choices has links to self care options for a range of common winter ailments, please see an example below:

Sore throat - NHS (

2023 GP Patient Survey

Have your say on the way your local GP services are working.

Around 2.4 million people, aged 16 and over, who are registered with a GP practice in England will receieve an invatation to take part in Europe's biggest patient expierence survey in early January. The answers we get help the NHS to improve local helth services for people like you and your family. It is important that we hear about your expereinces even if you haven't visited your GP practice recently, or if you have filled in a questionaire before.

The invitations go out mostly by letter to a random selection of people who have been registered with their GP practice for at least 6  months.  The suervey team at NHS England will follow this up with a text message reminder (where a mobile number is available) alongside further paper questionaires to encourage as high a responce rate as possible.

If you receive a survey, please do take the time to take part. It provides vital information to the NHS to identify what's working well and what can be improved. It helps to identify inequalities in experience too, as the results can be analysed across different protected characteristics.

If you want to check out how your practice faired in the last rea's survey, take a look at the survey website: 

Hub Clinics

As per NHS England’s directives, practices are now being asked to work collaboratively as primary care networks.  Laindon Medical Group is part of West Basildon PCN and some services will therefore be provided at PCN hub level.  The HUB clinics will be held at various practices across Basildon and therefore your appointment may not always be at the practice.  The surgeries that make up the West Basildon PCN are Laindon Medical Group, Kingswood Medical Centre, The Knares Medical Practice, Noak Bridge Medical Centre and Ballards Walk Surgery.

Thank you.